Fitting in Exercise
Fitting in exercise can be a chore for most people.
You have a busy day, many things to do; where do you fit in exercise?
Here are 5 tips for fitting a workout into a busy day:
Get up an hour earlier in the day and get your workout in before you start your regular day
While you're on the phone, sneak in some squats and lunges
Walking to work? Add some ankle or wrist weights to increase the intensity.
On your lunch break, enlist some co-workers (to make you more accountable) and get out for a group walk or jog.
Get up every 15 minutes and do one exercise, two sets of 15 (eg squats, lunges, push ups, crunches). By the end of the day you will have fit in your whole workout!
I hope this helps you find the time to exercise, even it's just for a few minutes every day.
What do you do right now to squeeze in exercise?