Sugar Free Eating

Sounds pretty sugar?

Well, if you are like me, and like most people, you want sugar on a regular basis. And the more you want it, the more you eat it, and the more you eat it, the more you want it...

Domino effect in action!

Eliminating sugar from your diet is not as hard as it sounds; start slowly and build up.

Morning coffee- one less teaspoon, that ketchup- it has sugar. That cereal, yes it does too...peanut butter? If it's not 100% peanuts, it just might have ICING sugar in it!

I just found a great recipe for sugar free pudding (and I don't mean it's laced with aspartame or artificial sweeteners...)

Check it out!

Using bananas or apple sauce can naturally sweeten foods, as well as increasing spices like cinnamon and nutmeg to change up the flavour of your food.

What is your sweet tooth telling you to eat right now?

Have a great and sugar-free day!


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