Burn off the Mommy Tummy
I just found this article I wrote some years back on working out after you have a baby. I thought I'd post it here for you to enjoy!
Stroll Away your Baby Fat- Why Walking
is Such a Great Choice
We can all do it, it doesn’t cost anything, and we like to
do it with a friend: walking is such a common form of exercise that we often
forget it can be such a great a choice when it comes to weight loss.
When you become a mother, you automatically gain two new
appendages, your baby, and your baby’s stroller. The stroller enables you to
get out of the house which you desperately need to do, and it also encourages
you to go for walks.
Walking as Exercise
Walking is the age old form of exercise. The young and old
can do it, the weak and strong can do it. Studies have shown that brisk walking
one mile in 15 minutes burns just about the same number of calories as jogging
an equal distance in 8 1/2 minutes. According to a study done at the Cooper
Institute in Dallas , TX , walkers had to exercise for 40 minutes
four times a week to get the same aerobic benefit runners got from running for
30 minutes three times a week. That is a statistic that walkers can get excited
Creating Internal
As new mothers know, there is no real solitude or quiet
after baby comes. Getting outside in the fresh air and meeting new people can
restore some of the sanity that mothers may feel that they have lost post
partum. Babies generally enjoy being outdoors tucked into their stroller. The
movement of their mother pushing them often lulls them to sleep, a joyous
occasion for those mothers not getting much sleep themselves. Mothers will
often encounter others in their same plight and have the chance to interact and
share stories and advice. These types of meetings are important for new
mothers, especially if they are suffering from post partum depression. They
need to know that they are not alone.
It Doesn’t Cost Anything
Workout clothes, gym memberships, child care; the expenses
of going to a gym can often be too much for a new mom just wanting to shed her
baby weight. A pair of walking shoes and the baby stroller is all you need to
walk with your baby, and you won’t need to leave her with a sitter. Walking is
a great choice for mothers because all you have to do is get out the door and
you’re off. A trip to the grocery store or local library may be your
destination, so why drive if you don’t have to? You can squeeze in an exercise
session while you’re running errands.
Find a Partner
We are not accountable to ourselves and that is just the way
it is. The majority of us will not do something that is not intrinsically
enjoyable unless we are meeting someone to do it together. Workout buddies are
great in that you are both accountable to each other. Set up a time and a place
and meet there regularly. Before you know it, you will have made walking a part
of your day and you will miss it if you don’t do it.
Walking burns calories, lowers blood pressure, is
inexpensive and easy, makes us healthier, and can ultimately make us happier.
Try giving a friend a call and get together for a walk; you will be glad you
Nicole Palacios, BSc, SFL, is a certified fitness leader and
personal trainer in North Vancouver ,
BC . She is the creator of
Stroller Fitt. Please check out her website at: www.perfectfit.ws