
Showing posts from January, 2013

Get Fit as a Family

Soccer, hockey, baseball, gymnastics... Your kids are participating, but are you? When is the last time you got active as a family? Played a game of soccer at the park? Hit the baseball in the backyard and played with your kids? Played tag where mom and dad were "it"? Playing and having fun as a family is fun and important; you're creating a role model for your kids and showing them rather than telling them about health and fitness long term. Winter is a great time to hit the slopes, do some sledding (is more tiring than you'd think!), go ice skating, swim indoors, snow shoe, or just go to the park all bundled up! What's your favorite way to stay active as a family?

Protesters stall eagles' nest removal

Protesters stall eagles' nest removal How can we save this eagle's nest? There is an eagle currently using it; I've seen it in there on many occasions. I drove by as they were in the tree, never thinking that they were actually going to cut down the whole tree! This is appalling behaviour.

Great Studio in North Van- Carlynn Studio

Looking for a neat experience in North Vancouver? The Carlynn dance studio is new to Pemberton Street- check it out! North Shore Dance Studio! There are hip hop, groove, and even burlesque classes offered! Lots of variety from experienced instructors. Check them out today at the Carlynn Studio in North Vancouver.

Wrap it Up Win money by "designing" the best wrap!

Burn off the Mommy Tummy

I just found this article I wrote some years back on working out after you have a baby. I thought I'd post it here for you to enjoy! Stroll Away your Baby Fat- Why Walking is Such a Great Choice We can all do it, it doesn’t cost anything, and we like to do it with a friend: walking is such a common form of exercise that we often forget it can be such a great a choice when it comes to weight loss. When you become a mother, you automatically gain two new appendages, your baby, and your baby’s stroller. The stroller enables you to get out of the house which you desperately need to do, and it also encourages you to go for walks. Walking as Exercise Walking is the age old form of exercise. The young and old can do it, the weak and strong can do it. Studies have shown that brisk walking one mile in 15 minutes burns just about the same number of calories as jogging an equal distance in 8 1/2 minutes. According to a study done at the Cooper Institute in Dallas , TX , ...

Great Butt Exercise!

Are you looking for a new and "fun" exercise for your rear end? Do you need some tightening up in your gluteals? I found this exercise on and wanted to share it with you, it looks great! Working your gluteals can be a challenge, so it's always great to incorporate new exercises into your regime. What's your favorite gluteal tightening exercise?

What to Wear to the Gym

Hello out there! January is well upon us, and I hope your fitness resolutions are still in effect! If you're just hitting the gym for the first time, or are a seasoned gym goer, you still need to know what to wear when you work out. Of course, you may be thinking of aesthetics; is it cute? Is it colorful? Fair enough. But I'm more concerned about being comfortable and having your clothes not infringe on your workout. Here are my top tips on what to wear at the gym: Make sure you feel comfortable - both mentally and physically. If your clothes make you feel embarrassed or ill at ease, you should put them in your closet until you feel confident enough to wear them. If they’re ill-fitting and slide/ride/drop etc, they should not be used. They should breathe - you don’t want all of your sweat sticking to your skin and making you uncomfortable! So many great clothing options are out there now that really breathe, and wick away sweat. Heavy sweat pants ar...