
Showing posts from 2009

Don't Wait

Don't wait until New Years to make your fitness resolutions, you should be making new ones for yourself all year long. Your workouts should be an evolving process, not some recipe that was cooked up for you a year ago by your local trainer. Your exercise regimen should hopefully be shaken up at least every 6 weeks, 8 at the maximum. Keep yourself on your toes and remind yourself why you're exercising. If you reach some of your goals, set new ones for yourself so you're always motivated to keep working out. Happy New Year everyone!

In "Shape"

Very excited that I'm quoted in this month's (December, 2009) Shape magazine! My quote is on circuit training, something I always promote with my clients. Happy December!

Get Taller Without Heels!

Get Taller and Protect Your Back Keeping your Back Safe : There are a few helpful ways you can strengthen your back, improve your posture, and even appear taller! 1. Exercise! The most basic way to improve on all of the above. There are many exercises you can do to improve core strength, but here are a few of my favourites: · Quadruped: on your hands and knees, raise your opposite arm and opposite leg parallel to the floor. Keep your abs held in tight and hold for 5-10 seconds. Repeat on other side. Do 5-10 each day. · Leg drops: on your back, legs raised up above your hips. Keeping your abs held in tightly, slowly drop one leg toward the floor. If you have back issues, keep one foot on the floor and switch them up. Repeat this 10-15 times slowly. · Back extensions: lying on the floor or exercise ball face down, slowly raise up your torso, keeping your hands on the floor (easier) or by your sides (raised and harder). Keeping your head in line with your spine, repeat up to 20 times. 2. ...

Wake up Call

How many times per week or month do you dine out? You may think you're making great choices when you're ordering from the menu, and maybe you are. However, please do yourself a favor and check out the restaurant's menu either online or ask for calorie/fat contents for the items you're ordering before you eat them. I was just on earl's website; I love their food and go there frequently. I looked up some of the items that I've ordered in the past and got a big shock. One of the entrees had over 1000 calories !!! That's about 3 times what you want in one meal. You never know what you're really eating if you haven't prepared it yourself, so stay informed!

New Articles Published

Check out September's IMPACT Magazine, a Canadian health and fitness publication, for my article on 30 Day Challenges! Also, just quoted in the St.Paul (Minnesota) Pioneer Press:

I'm an Expert, a large website with useful advice for women, has published an article where I'm quoted as a fitness expert. Check it out here: Have a great long weekend to those of you in BC!

Save Money on Your Workouts

Are you spending a ton of money every month on a gym membership? Here are some simple solutions to save money, while still getting a great workout: Borrow fitness dvd's from your local library Work out with friends in your back yard or in your house Create a walking group in the summer Create a snowshoeing group in the winter Dig out your old exercise equipment and create a workout space you'll use Ride your bike as often as possible- also save on gas! Change gyms- private is usually costlier than something like the Y or a local rec center. Have fun and keep fit!

Should you Eat Out?

Is eating out making you fat? The answer could very well be yes. When you cook your own food, you are solely in control of what goes in the pot, so to speak. Dining out tastes great, it's easier, and it's usually enjoyable all around. But do you ever feel unusually full when you leave the restaurant? At home, you might not have white bread with butter, or a greasy appetizer, or that main course steak that's over 12 ounces. It's great to dine out and enjoy yourself, but are you going overboard? Eating at home gives you more control over what you're ingesting. You decide to add oil or butter to the frying pan, you decide to broil, bake or boil, and you decide how much pasta to throw in the pot- whole wheat please! Next time you dine out, pay attention to the wording on the menu and do make special requests. Bon Appetit!

I'm an Expert!

How first article where I'm the expert instead of the author! Check out the article here: Rainy Day Exercises in Arthritis Today magazine. Thanks to HARO! Have a great weekend.

Do you Love Ice Caps from Timmy's?

If you're like most people, you enjoy a nice, cold drink on a hot summer day. Do you ever have an Ice Cap from Tim Horton's? They're delicious, cold, creamy and taste just right on a hot day. Ever wonder how many calories or fat these yummy drinks contain? Educate yourself on what you're taking in, you might be suprised. A medium Ice Cap has 360 calories; that might be an amount you had saved up for a whole meal. Here is the Tim Horton's website with their nutritional info: You can always enjoy "bad" foods, but in moderation. Go for a small size instead of medium or large. Happy Mother's Day!

Meal Planning

A crucial part of losing and maintaining a healthy weight is how you eat. If your nutrition is poor, it won’t matter how much exercise you do, you won’t see the results that you’re after. Meal planning is an important part of a fitness regime; it does require forward thinking, so you need to set aside some time every week to map out your meals. Eating on the go can be healthy if you plan in advance. Make your own snacks and beverages to bring with you to work or on the road. A great website address for meal planning is: On this website, you can get custom made meal plans for your whole week, including a ready to go grocery list which you can print off. Don’t like the meals they have? Customize them to add your own favorites. Once you start eating right, your weight loss will come more steadily. Remember that it takes a few weeks to form new habits, so give yourself time to ease into this new eating pattern. It’s not a diet, it’s a lifestyle change.

Getting into a new health and fitness routine; it’s not always easy.

If you’ve tried in the past and failed, please look at the reasons why you might not have achieved success so that you can avoid those things this time around. Some tips for success: · Make your health your number one priority. · Let people know what you’re trying to do so they can support you. · Set goals- small, medium and large, and give yourself timelines to reach those goals. · Be realistic, if you’ve never been 150lbs, but you wish you were, you probably won’t succeed. · Get a friend to join you! Having someone else to be accountable to is a great way to stay focused. · Reward yourself when you reach your goals. · Remember that habits take time to form; give yourself enough time to get committed. · Never give up.

Media Hype or True Fear Required?

If you're like me, you've heard about the Swine Flu, but maybe don't know too much about it. Here is a great link to give you up to date info from a credible source: Stay educated!

Are You in Canada?

If you read my posting on supplements already, thanks for doing so! If that's something that interests you, please check out this month's (May) Alive magazine. I have an article in there on organic supplements. I won't give away the info here, as I want you to read it, but it's a great primer on organic supplements. Alive magazine is available across Canada in health food stores, free of charge. Check it out!

Have you Heard of

I have just found this website, maybe you've already heard of it, called Essentially, it plans all of your meals and exercise programming according to what you punch in as your weight loss goals. It's very efficient for those people that can't figure out a proper meal plan on their own; hey, it's tough! Not only does it give you a daily and weekly mealplan, but you can customize it if there are things on there that you don't enjoy eating, and it tabulates exactly how much fat, protein and carbs are in each thing you eat. It also gives you a healthy range to stay within to see if you're going over or not. Best of all, it's free! I am in no way being paid for this posting, I simply am excited to share this cool website with all of you. Check it out, it's really great.

Should you Supplement?

Supplements; they're the latest and greatest thing to hit the health and fitness industry. Well, maybe not the latest, but definitely getting a lot of attention lately. Wondering what exactly a supplement is defined as? With health companies promoting a gamut of supplements from creatine to flax, and protein to Vitamin D, how much of it do we really need? I often have people ask me if they should take supplements; mostly protein as it's widely touted as being important to take, especially after working out. People that are in good health and eat sensibly generally don't need to supplement. This type of assistance is important for people that are low in something, such as iron or calcium. If you're getting enough of those things from the foods you eat, and you don't have a defiency issue, than you should be fine. Certain doses of healthy supplements can cause unhealthy reactions if you're not taking the recommended amou...

Free Stuff Tastes Better!

I was just happening to be channel surfing earlier and saw that Kashi was giving out free granola bars. Thought I'd pass on the link to anyone that might want a free box. I personally like the dark chocolate and cherry flavour. Most granola bars are FULL of calories and sugar. These ones are much healthier. Have a great day!

Cancer Prevention- April is Daffodil Month

When it comes to cancer, there are some things that you can change in order to prevent your chances, and there are other things that are out of your control. Risk Factors you can change: · Smoking · Physical Activity · Healthy Weight · Alcohol Use · Sun exposure Risk Factors you can’t change: · Inherited genetic abnormalities · Chance · Age · Gender While cancer is a growing concern amongst all groups; women, men, the young and the elderly, we have to realize that there are some things that we do have control over. Take a look at your habits today, and try to improve in at least one area. Slowly, you can change your bad habits and trade them in for good ones. Good luck!

"Healthy" Rice Krispies?

I just found some whole grain Rice Krispies at the store..great find! Now I can make "healthy" rice krispy treats with whole grain instead of regular. 1/4 cup butter 1 bag marshmallows Melt and remove from heat. Add: 1/2 tsp vanilla 6 cups whole grain rice krispies. Stir, and place in pan to set. Instead of purchasing the ready made rice krispie treats, which may have preservatives etc., make your own with whole grain cereal. Enjoy!

Exercise on the Road

Have you gone on a trip lately, and felt that you had to give up exercise while you were gone? Exercising while on vacation may seem like an oxymoron, but it's really not that hard. If you make the time normally, make the time while you're away as well. No gym where you're staying? Pack rubber tubing with you and use the furniture in your room. You can do push ups off the coffee table, floor, or wall. You can do standing lunges on the floor. How about some wall squats? Turn your hotel room into a mini circuit training class and have a great workout with little to no equipment. Going on vacation is no reason to let your workouts lag. Bon Voyage!


Have you changed your workout lately? It's so important to keep changing the way you work out in order to see changes in your body. Your body gets used to your workouts quickly; making a regular workout almost redundant. Interval training is a great way to keep your body guessing, and also a great way to keep your heart rate elevated continously to keep you burning fat. For a free circuit training workout, go to my website: Try interval training today and see how amazing you feel after just a quick 20 minute session. It can be done in your home with little to no equipment. Have fun and get sweating!

Did you Drink Today?

...Water that is! How much water did you drink in your day? You should be drinking more probably, as we all should. It's funny how many things we consume, but we forget about the really important things. Staying hydrated is an amazing way to stay healthy, and even lose weight. The feeling of thirst is often disguised as hunger, so we may eat instead of simply drinking some water. Give yourself a water challenge for the rest of the week. Every time you go to have a meal, have a large glass of water first. Every time you go to have a snack, have a glass of water with it. Try to switch up one cup of coffee or pop for water. See the changes in your health and the way you look; it's really amazing! Enjoy your Friday!

Did You Eat Breakfast?

I just came back from doing a morning workshop on healthy eating "on the go". How healthy are your meals? Are you eating regularly throughout the day? It's so essential to start your day with a healthy, nutritious breakfast. It really gets your body going after a long night of fasting. You should try to include protein at every meal; breakfast included. I don't mean greasy sausages or bacon, but instead, some nut butter on your whole grain toast, or some boiled eggs. Breakfast is your first opportunity to eat well in the day, so make sure to include some form of fruit as well. Aim for at least 5 servings a day of fruits and veggies. Enjoy your morning!

Get Outside!

I don't know where you are, but here in Vancouver, we have some sun today. This is your opportunity to get outside and get a terrific workout while also enjoying the scenery, and getting some fresh air. Do you live by a lake or ocean? Take a power walk around the seawall or path. Do you live by mountains? Go for an enjoyable hike with a friend. Catch up on the latest news while you exercise. A little sun is a great excuse to get off your behind and away from the stale, indoor air. Get outside, grab a pal, and hit the local walking spot. Enjoy the beautiful day!

Little Changes Make Big Changes

Have you ever wondered what would happened if you suddenly stopped eating out of habit? Do you find yourself nibbling on food when you're not even hungry? What would happen if you simply stopped? We fall into these snack traps where we find ourselves eating for comfort, or even out of boredom. Why not stop yourself in your tracks? Mindless munching gets you nowhere...good that is. It will help you gain weight and see less results than you'd like even after hard workouts day after day. How to stop: Eat at regular intervals throughout the day to stave off hunger, and make sure you're hydrated. When you're thirsty, you may mistake that for hunger and eat instead of drink. Drink water regularly Don't buy junk! If it's not in your house, you probably won't be eating it. Stay focussed: what are your goals? Write it down. Keep a food diary. Good luck and stop the mindless munching!

Do you Drink Coffee?

I was doing some research on a nutrition workshop I'm going to host, and came upon a great article on coffee drinking and blood glucose levels. This article is very important for those of you that drink coffee BEFORE having your morning cereal. Read on here: Makes you think.

An excerpt from my novel

Two kids, her own personal training studio, and a great body to boot; what more could a woman ask for these days? Well, if you were Amy Morgan, you could ask for something else: a terrific man who would sweep you off of your feet and rescue you from the loneliness of life in L.A. Moving to what she saw as the hub of American wealth and sophistication had been a huge change from her quiet suburban life back in Seattle; and she was not used to all of the changes that her new life had brought. With her school age kids Emma and Brandon to take care of, Amy’s modest goals in life had changed and now she just longed for stability. She was determined that she would meet Mr. Right somewhere in California; and once she did, she’d finally be happy.

Sunday Blues

Feeling the effects of the weekend? Did you forget to eat right and get in some physical activity? Start the week off right tomorrow, and try to stay consistent all through the week, even on the weekends. Why waste all of your workouts on weekend bingeing? Instead, try to allow yourself some guilty pleasures without over indulging. You'll feel better on Monday, guaranteed. Happy Monday!

Novel Excerpt

Here is an excerpt from my novel. Tell me what you think! “Oh, I don’t know. Mandy, you’re not listening to me. I went to the doctor’s for a routine visit. My doctor was on vacation, and I was supposed to see her replacement. But listen to this, the replacement had food poisoning and this doctor was the replacement for the replacement! Isn’t that weird? It’s like karma or something,” Amy went on, starting to get carried away. She was starting to regret not agreeing to the coffee in retrospect. What would be the big deal? Sure he’d seen her womanly areas, but lots of men had. Well, not that many, but really, what was the harm in a little coffee? She could really go for a mocha right now. Low fat of course, and no whipped cream.

Music Makes Me Sweat

Music? Yes, it's important. Especially when you're working out. I love listening to up-tempo music when I'm doing cardio, especially if it's early morning. Do you play music when you work out? If not, give it a try and see what a difference it can make. With the availability of MP3's now, it's easier than ever to get the music you love on your player within minutes. Amp up the tunes and start to feel yourself enjoying the work out that much more. For fitness specific music, you can check out : Enjoy the music!

Take the Challenge

What is motivating you these days? Are you tired of feeling like you want something, but just don't know how to get it? Do you want to lose weight? Do you want to tone up? Do you want to look the way you feel inside? If you're lacking motivation, why not try the challenge? Take a 30 day challenge and fire up your motivation, your metabolism, and your energy levels. It could be a yoga, Pilates, eating, cleansing, weight training or anything challenge. Just take the challenge and change your life.