
Showing posts from March, 2014

Protein bars, Good or Bad?

Protein bars may be a large part of your diet; before or after your workout, on the go, a quick lunch, or whatever it may be. What are you really eating though? Check out this informative article from the Globe and Mail on protein bars. I've found that most protein bars have way too much sugar and not enough good ingredients to make them worthwhile. I make my own protein bars at home; here's a recipe I really like: (I’d love to take credit for this recipe, but in fact, it is based on a “clean” recipe from last month’s (OXYGEN MAGAZINE. I’ll give you the original recipe and then offer you my substitutions) ORIGINAL: Pumpkin, cherry, pecan protein bars 3 scoops vanilla protein powder *I used chocolate* 1 1/2 C rolled oats 1/4 cups dried cherries *I used dried cranberries this time but have used cherries in the past, but would strongly suggest using up to 1 cup of either of these dried fruits* 1/4 cup pecans 1C pumpkin puree 1/3 cup of egg white (usually equals w...

Kettlebell Training

You may have heard of kettlebells, or tried them out yourself. You might think that it's just like a dumbbell, so what's the point of using a kettlebell? Kettlebells distribute weight differently than a dumbbell, and can be used as both a strength training and aerobic workout implement. Check out this study here on kettlebells. According to a study endorsed by ACE, "I n addition to the predictable strength gains, kettlebell training was also shown to markedly increase aerobic capacity, improve dynamic balance and dramatically increase core strength." See the full study here . As well, during the ACE study, they found a 70% increase in core strength! Wow; so you get cardio, strength and core benefits all from swinging a weight around? YES! Kettlebells are easy to integrate into your current routine; you can add in a few minutes of swinging following your cardio or strength training program. You'll be suprised how out of breath you get the first t...

Pre Hab for Runners... The Article is Out!

My latest article in Alive Magazine  is out! This magazine is free in health food stores across Canada, or you can view it online here . If you're a runner, or even just an avid exerciser, this article can help you avoid unwanted injuries. Hope you enjoy my latest article !