Should You Exercise During Pregnancy?
This is a question that many first time mothers may ask themselves. Is it safe for me to exercise while I'm pregnant? This is not a black and white answer, it depends on many factors. First of all, is your pregnancy "the norm", or do you have complications? If you do, you need to seek medical advice from your doctor or midwife to find out if it's safe for you. Also, were you an exerciser before you became pregnant? If you were an avid runner, biker or hiker, there's no reason for you to stop simply because you're pregnant. If you have the all clear from your medical professional, you can continue to enjoy non-contact sports and actitivies that you enjoyeed before. Keep in mind that as you become larger, your center of gravity will shift so balance activities will be a lot more difficult to excel at. What makes you feel good? As you get closer to your due date, the buoyancy of water may make you feel much better than the pounding of pavement. You may want to sw...