
Showing posts from April, 2009

Media Hype or True Fear Required?

If you're like me, you've heard about the Swine Flu, but maybe don't know too much about it. Here is a great link to give you up to date info from a credible source: Stay educated!

Are You in Canada?

If you read my posting on supplements already, thanks for doing so! If that's something that interests you, please check out this month's (May) Alive magazine. I have an article in there on organic supplements. I won't give away the info here, as I want you to read it, but it's a great primer on organic supplements. Alive magazine is available across Canada in health food stores, free of charge. Check it out!

Have you Heard of

I have just found this website, maybe you've already heard of it, called Essentially, it plans all of your meals and exercise programming according to what you punch in as your weight loss goals. It's very efficient for those people that can't figure out a proper meal plan on their own; hey, it's tough! Not only does it give you a daily and weekly mealplan, but you can customize it if there are things on there that you don't enjoy eating, and it tabulates exactly how much fat, protein and carbs are in each thing you eat. It also gives you a healthy range to stay within to see if you're going over or not. Best of all, it's free! I am in no way being paid for this posting, I simply am excited to share this cool website with all of you. Check it out, it's really great.

Should you Supplement?

Supplements; they're the latest and greatest thing to hit the health and fitness industry. Well, maybe not the latest, but definitely getting a lot of attention lately. Wondering what exactly a supplement is defined as? With health companies promoting a gamut of supplements from creatine to flax, and protein to Vitamin D, how much of it do we really need? I often have people ask me if they should take supplements; mostly protein as it's widely touted as being important to take, especially after working out. People that are in good health and eat sensibly generally don't need to supplement. This type of assistance is important for people that are low in something, such as iron or calcium. If you're getting enough of those things from the foods you eat, and you don't have a defiency issue, than you should be fine. Certain doses of healthy supplements can cause unhealthy reactions if you're not taking the recommended amou...

Free Stuff Tastes Better!

I was just happening to be channel surfing earlier and saw that Kashi was giving out free granola bars. Thought I'd pass on the link to anyone that might want a free box. I personally like the dark chocolate and cherry flavour. Most granola bars are FULL of calories and sugar. These ones are much healthier. Have a great day!

Cancer Prevention- April is Daffodil Month

When it comes to cancer, there are some things that you can change in order to prevent your chances, and there are other things that are out of your control. Risk Factors you can change: · Smoking · Physical Activity · Healthy Weight · Alcohol Use · Sun exposure Risk Factors you can’t change: · Inherited genetic abnormalities · Chance · Age · Gender While cancer is a growing concern amongst all groups; women, men, the young and the elderly, we have to realize that there are some things that we do have control over. Take a look at your habits today, and try to improve in at least one area. Slowly, you can change your bad habits and trade them in for good ones. Good luck!

"Healthy" Rice Krispies?

I just found some whole grain Rice Krispies at the store..great find! Now I can make "healthy" rice krispy treats with whole grain instead of regular. 1/4 cup butter 1 bag marshmallows Melt and remove from heat. Add: 1/2 tsp vanilla 6 cups whole grain rice krispies. Stir, and place in pan to set. Instead of purchasing the ready made rice krispie treats, which may have preservatives etc., make your own with whole grain cereal. Enjoy!

Exercise on the Road

Have you gone on a trip lately, and felt that you had to give up exercise while you were gone? Exercising while on vacation may seem like an oxymoron, but it's really not that hard. If you make the time normally, make the time while you're away as well. No gym where you're staying? Pack rubber tubing with you and use the furniture in your room. You can do push ups off the coffee table, floor, or wall. You can do standing lunges on the floor. How about some wall squats? Turn your hotel room into a mini circuit training class and have a great workout with little to no equipment. Going on vacation is no reason to let your workouts lag. Bon Voyage!