Summer Coffee Drinks...What are your best bets?

Aah, warmer weather.

The sun is coming out here in Vancouver, and finally making us think about summer.

With summer comes cold drinks; some of the iced coffee or other variety.

So what are your best bets?

Well, think of coffee as a low calorie drink; then add whole fat milk, cream and whipped cream sprinkled with chocolate shavings and syrup. Not so low calorie anymore.

I went through the McDonald's drive through today because they have a summer special- iced coffee's are $1. Not too bad! I asked for mine "without sugar", and that did cause a stir. No sugar in my iced coffee?

The standard iced coffee comes with some kind of syrup added, adding unnecessary calories and sugar to my drink. No, I'll just take the iced coffee, thanks!

The small iced latte with caramel (with skimmed milk) will cost you 187 calories; that's more than you need for your afternoon snack. The medium has 265; probably a more reasonable size for someone ordering a cold drink on a hot day.

So; stick to regular iced coffee- coffee and ICE. Not syrup and other additives. Make your own smoothie at home in the blender by freezing coffee in an icecube tray and then blending it in your blender.

Another big coffee chain does a number of "iced" coffee drinks. They're basically cream and coffee blended to perfection with added sugar and topped off with more cream. Where's the coffee?

A small iced drink can cost you a minimum 170 calories (without the added whipped cream). Just remember, your drinks are usually only part of your "experience". You might add a muffin or scone for another 400 or so calories to make it a 500-600 calorie "snack".

You are in control of your food; it's best if you can prepare it yourself, but if you can't, it's a great idea to check your calorie count of what you're about to eat on the website of the company, or ask for a nutritional pamphlet. Why let all of your hard work in the gym go to waste on one coffee run?


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